Wg miesięcy: January 2022

cbd and inflammatory bowel diseaseHemp and health

CBD oil and inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of inflammatory bowel diseases that include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and indeterminate colitis. The most common symptoms are lesions and ulcerations of the gastrointestinal tract walls, as well as chronic, recurrent diarrhoea. In spite of advanced research methods, it has not been possible to determine unequivocally what causes inflammatory bowel disease, so it is extremely difficult to find a method that would enable complete cure. These diseases usually affect relatively young people, between 20 and 40 years of age. Continuous diarrhoea ...
cbd and social anxietyHemp and health

Use of CBD oil for social anxiety

Social anxiety or social phobia or social neurosis is an anxiety disorder from the group of neurotic disorders. The disorder is often confused with excessive shyness, but shyness it is not. Social phobia is the anxiety and fear of interacting with other people. It is a fear of being judged and a panicky fear of being laughed at, a fear of public speaking, of running errands, of talking to strangers or even of going to the doctor. It is the conviction of being rejected, not accepted and an ever-increasing negative self-esteem. It is ...
Do CBD oils strengthen or boost immunityHemp and health

Do CBD oils strengthen or boost immunity

CBD oil has a whole host of positive healing and therapeutic properties. But supplementing it also by healthy people is precisely aimed at strengthening the body and providing it with immunity. And this on two levels. Immunomodulatory, i.e. supporting the level of immunity by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, taking care of its proper functioning. And also immunosuppressive, i.e. inhibiting the activity of the immune system thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. This is because if the body reacts with inflammation, CBD has the ability to inhibit inflammation, allowing it to get rid of chronic inflammation that weakens the body. What is the immune system Viruses and bacteria ...
Does CBD oil affect human hormonesHemp and health

Does CBD oil affect human hormones

In a nutshell, hormones are chemical messengers that are passed between cells. They are produced by glands or tissues and the whole is called the endocrine system. All the hormones that make up the endocrine system work closely together or are antagonists to each other. An example of interaction is glucagon and adrenaline, which together raise blood glucose levels. In turn, insulin has an antagonistic effect on the above, which in turn lowers the glucose level. Due to this function of the hormones, the processes on ...
cbd oil and dyskinesiaHemp and health

CBD oil and dyskinesia

Dyskinesia is a sudden, uncoordinated and involuntary movement of mainly the limbs and head. In itself it is not a disease, but it is an effect or a symptom of many diseases. Dyskinesias include various disorders such as tremor, tics, chorea or dystonia. These symptoms appear in the course of many diseases of the nervous system, but also with damage to subcortical structures of the brain. Some of them can also be included in the group of genetically determined dyskinesias, mainly spontaneous tremor or general dystonia. Dyskinesia, depending on ...
Is CBD oil suitable for vegans and vegetariansHemp in the kitchen

Is CBD oil suitable for vegans and vegetarians

Both vegetarianism and veganism are the deliberate and conscious exclusion of meat and meat products from the daily diet, and in the case of veganism, the complete elimination of animal products. Someone who has changed their way of living and eating always reads labels and checks whether there is anything in the products they buy that they do not want to eat or use. This applies not only to food, but also to medicines and supplements. And it is the supplements that are an important part of the diet of people who stop providing their body with the ingredients that ...
Can CBD be overdosedHemp and health

Can CBD be overdosed?

CBD oil is extracted from the inflorescences of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) and is one of the many cannabinoids it contains. Unlike THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), which is extracted from cannabis, it has no psychoactive or addictive properties. Instead, along with other cannabinoids, it has a beneficial effect on the body by affecting the endocannabinoid system. This system is made up of many receptors throughout the body (heart, liver, brain, reproductive organs, muscles, etc.) that are sensitive to the effects of CBD. This allows cannabidiol to help regulate a variety of bodily functions.The range of effects ...
does cbd cause side effectsHemp and health

Does CBD cause side effects?

The popularity of CBD oils continues to grow as more and more patients discover their beneficial effects on the body. These properties are confirmed by scientific research. The list of therapeutic effects of cannabidiol is long and growing. Many scientists have confirmed that CBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, supports the treatment of insomnia, has a positive effect on people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, psychosis or stress. It is written about its positive effects on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. And at the same time, unlike THC, which is found in marijuana, there is no ...
CBD in the Warsaw zooHemp news and information

CBD oil for animals - the story of the elephant from the Warsaw zoo

As we all know, elephants are very sensitive and empathetic animals, prone to stress and even the smallest changes in their environment. Apart from the lockdown introduced in March 2020, which has clearly left its mark on the delicate psyche of the Warsaw elephants, they have also experienced a huge loss in the herd - the leader of the herd has passed away. The death of a herd member, especially the herd leader, causes great distress to the animals and despair can simply kill them. It can take months to recover from such a trauma.

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