Use and properties of hemp

Hemp and health

Broad versus full spectrum CBD what is the difference

As one of the most important cannabinoids present in cannabis, CBD has grown immensely in popularity in recent years due to its beneficial therapeutic properties. It is one of more than 100 constituent cannabinoids present in hemp that show potential health benefits, such as pain reduction, stress and anxiety reduction, improved sleep and mood, and skin conditions, among others. It has broad anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties and is 100% natural and completely non-toxic. It is therefore not surprising that more and more people ...
Hemp and health

CBD for diabetes

Diabetes, is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide and, according to research, this number continues to rise. Although diabetes is a disease that can be controlled and treated, its side effects, such as damage to the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, lead to serious health consequences. In this context, the introduction of cannabidiol (CBD) as a non-toxic, side-effect-free and, above all, natural potential treatment for diabetes is intriguing. Traditional medicines used to treat diabetes include insulin, oral medications and diet, but ...
Hemp and health

CBD for toothache

Nowadays, pain is one of the most common symptoms we encounter on a daily basis. Due to stress, an inappropriate lifestyle, environmental pollution, inadequate diet or lack of physical activity, many people suffer from various types of pain. One of the most common types of pain is toothache, which can be very disruptive and affect our quality of life. Toothache can have various causes, such as inflammation around the tooth, decay, trauma or infection. Without a doubt, it is one of the ...
Hemp and health

CBD for ringworm

Due to the rapid advances in medicine over 100 years, more and more new diseases are being discovered and, consequently, are also being diagnosed in doctors' offices. Mycosis, although not a new disease, has recently gained in popularity and patients often leave the doctor with this diagnosis. It can take many forms, from the digestive system to the skin. If it takes a serious form, antibiotics are prescribed, which are not always 100% effective and must then be used ...
Hemp and health

CBD for tinnitus

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the many chemical compounds naturally found in the hemp plant. Recently, there has been growing interest in its potential health benefits. Some studies suggest that CBD may help to reduce tinnitus, which has been increasingly diagnosed in doctors' offices recently. And it's not just an affliction affecting older people - statistics show that this ailment is also starting to affect younger people and those in middle age. The ringing, whistling and other sounds heard by sufferers ...
Hemp and health

CBD oil for concentration

Research from the last two decades has clearly shown how important work and self-sufficiency are in the lives of people today. In addition to the primary reason for working - earning money - people also go to work for the feeling of fulfilment or to carry out a mission. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of the opportunities we are given and our potential, it is necessary to concentrate one hundred per cent on a given project or issue. The fast pace of life, lots of things on your mind, thousands of thoughts or problems are definitely not conducive to focusing on specific tasks at work. Maybe ...
Hemp and health

CBD oil for gingivitis in cats

The use of CBD is becoming more and more popular every year and is undoubtedly very popular and, most importantly, highly effective. Users praise its salutary effects on sleep or pain, on reducing or even treating inflammation of various origins. Taking CBD oil has sensational results in supporting the treatment of many serious diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's or epilepsy. Therefore, it probably comes as no surprise to anyone that there is a huge interest in the use of CBD oil for animals, including CBD for cats. At the turn of the last few years ...
Hemp and health

CBD oils for headaches

Every year, millions of people around the world suffer from headaches. It can occur at any age-it is not just in older people. Statistically, it is one of the most common reasons why patients decide to visit a doctor-especially when it is recurrent and intensifies, as it may be a symptom of another illness. Sometimes, the headache makes it difficult to function normally and makes patients feel overwhelmed by it and excluded from their environment. Moreover, such pain ranks among the top ...
Hemp and health

CBD oils for skin lesions

More and more people are now suffering from persistent skin lesions of a recurrent or incidental nature. The main factor why they bother sufferers is health-related, but sometimes it is also simply aesthetic. Sometimes, such a skin lesion is the first to appear in the case of an impending illness, in which case an immediate medical visit should be made if there are worrying symptoms. However, such lesions or irritations are also often the result of allergies, care errors or improper wound healing. However, most benign skin lesions ...
Hemp and health

CBD oils for psoriasis

Due to a significant change in lifestyle and an increasing awareness on the part of both patients and doctors compared to the last century, many new diseases have seen the light of day and older ones have finally begun to be diagnosed correctly, which is undoubtedly encouraging. However, it follows that more and more people are suffering from many chronic diseases caused by constant inflammation present in the body, such as psoriasis or AD, or even the ever-popular allergy. As an alternative to the drugs or steroid ointments used ...
Hemp and health

CBD oils for allergies

Allergies in today's society are unfortunately an increasingly common problem faced by many people all over the world. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as pollen, dust or food, and can manifest themselves through various complaints such as sneezing, runny nose or itchy skin. Allergies of various kinds have now even become known as the diseases of civilisation in the 21st century. Who among us does not know at least one person who is allergic to something and suffers a great deal? Although the degree of allergy varies from ...
Hemp and health

Can CBD oil be an analgesic?

Can CBD oil be analgesic? This is a question often asked by people suffering from chronic, mostly disabling daily pain, which in most cases is part of one of the many ailments of chronic diseases. In order to reduce the amount of pharmacological medications they take, as well as for the sake of their liver, many people suffering from various types of pain are looking for effective ways to alleviate their discomfort. Therefore, many are starting to use CBD as an alternative treatment or as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy (always such a decision should ...

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