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Hempmont CBD oil samples are full-priced products in smaller containersWe offer a range of oils containing cannabidiol: Classic, Apex, Raw, Broad Spectrum and IsoPure. We have as many as 5 series of oils containing cannabidiol: Classic, Apex, Raw, Broad Spectrum and IsoPure - and in each of them different CBD concentration values.
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The possibility of purchasing a small sample of a particular oil allows you to choose the right product for you, without having to buy a large bottle. Samples, like all other products, are analysed and tested by accredited laboratories. They are safe, legal and free from heavy metal, bacterial and fungal contamination.
Hempmont is one of the leading manufacturers of products made from hemp seed. The oils, pastes, ointments, teas or isolates are top quality, all-natural and legal products. The plant material is obtained from crops where no pesticides or herbicides are used and the seeds are not genetically modified. No synthetic substitutes are used in the production process, and each product is labelled with a description of its contents and a certificate of analysis.