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Hempmont classic CBD oils - Classic range - Hempmont.co.uk

Classic series

Classic Series Oils

CBD oils Hempmont Classic Series natural hemp extractswhich are obtained using the CO2 extraction method. The extracted oil is of the highest quality, in the production process it is deprived of wax and chlorophyll, thanks to which the extract is clear and aromatic. Hempmont brand products, including Classic CBD oils, are fully legal and tested, and are certified for quality by independent, accredited laboratories. All oils are 100% of natural origin and do not contain synthetic CBD.

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CBD Classic oils can be purchased in three concentrations of cannabidiol: 5%, 10% and 30%. But apart from the aforementioned compound, they also have other cannabinoids, including CBN, CBG and CBC. Hempmont hemp oils are so-called full spectrum productsThis means that it also contains small amounts of flavonoids and terpenes as well as numerous trace elements, trace elements and vitamins. Hemp is a wealth of substances with a wide range of health-promoting and therapeutic applications.