Hemp news and information

which cbd oil is bestHemp news and information

Which CBD oil is best? Market research

Which CBD oil is the best and which one to choose? About 2 months ago, in July 2021, the association Wolne Konopie, decided to conduct a comprehensive study of CBD products available in Poland, analyzing, among others, the compliance of the content with the declared concentration, or the THC level of the product. citation. free hemp As the Free Hemp Association, we undertook to test 23 CBD oils on the Polish market in two laboratories. We selected some of the most popular ones, widely recommended online, as well as those whose ranges seem to be a little smaller. Twenty-three oils were sent for testing ...
How to choose proven CBD oilHemp news and information

How to choose a proven CBD oil? What should I pay attention to?

The craze for CBD oils and other such products is fully understandable. Plenty of scientific evidence proves their effectiveness in many fields. However, like any boom, the CBD boom has its side effects. There are trusted producers on the market, as well as those hoping to make a quick buck without offering quality and safety in return. How to find yourself in all this? What are the characteristics of CBD oils? CBD oils should be all-natural products containing one of the most common CBD compounds found in hemp ...
Is CBD oil safeHemp news and information

Is CBD oil safe? Indications, contraindications, dosage

Is CBD oil safe? Indications, contraindications, dosage CBD oils have many beneficial health-promoting properties. For this reason, interest in this type of products and their widespread availability is also growing. However, many people wonder whether its use is safe and whether it can cause adverse effects. This is a legitimate question, especially since the public often wrongly associates CBD with the narcotic effects of THC contained in cannabis. How much truth is there in this? CBD oil and safe use Anyone interested in purchasing CBD oil should know that CBD ...

Information, defective batch

We inform of a faulty batch of CBD products from the Classic and Apeks series. Products purchased between 02.02.2021 - 12.02.2021, in all likelihood, due to technological problems could have a lower concentration than declared. If you have purchased the product within this period, please contact us and we will resend the products. We apologise for the inconvenience. ...

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