CBD oils for migraines

cbd oil for migraines

It is estimated that migraines affect as many as 8 million Poles. This makes migraine the number one cause of disability for women, and second overall. And while scientists have not yet found an effective cure for migraine, it appears that a solution may be at hand. We are talking about hemp, from whose inflorescences cannabidiol is extracted. CBD has many therapeutic and health-promoting properties, but the analgesic properties always come first. This is why it is worthwhile to support the treatment of migraines with extracts in fibre hemp.

Migraine - causes and symptoms

Migraine is a chronic condition that manifests itself by paroxysmal, severe headaches and other accompanying symptoms. However, not every headache is a migraine, which is why the disease requires careful diagnosis. This will show whether they are so-called primary headaches, i.e. their occurrence is not a consequence of another illness. Migraine is a more complex condition and a headache, however intractable, is not the only symptom.

It is not entirely clear what causes migraines to occur. Many years of observation lead to the conclusion that the causes are many and complex. The disease is most commonly said to have a genetic basis, but environmental factors may also be involved. Some factors either cause migraine or exacerbate its painful symptoms and these are the most common:

  • hormonal changes in women,
  • emotional stress or post-stress relaxation,
  • changes in sleep patterns,
  • odours, well those unpleasant or strong perfumes,
  • light,
  • neck pain,
  • alcohol (especially vermouth and red wine),
  • certain foods.

As far as symptoms are concerned, it is primarily a headache that is difficult to bear, usually located on one side of the head. This pain has a growing and throbbing character, but this is not the rule, however, with the slightest physical effort it starts to increase. It is also accompanied by other symptoms:

  • occurrence of nausea and vomiting,
  • watery eyes,
  • photophobia,
  • hypersensitivity to noise and odours,
  • ca. 25% of patients also suffer from so-called auras, i.e. temporary neurological symptoms in the form of glare, visual distortions, flashes or even visual field loss. Sensory, motor and/or verbal disturbances may also occur.

Cannabis for headaches? - this is not a discovery of our time

CBD oil for headaches is no innovative therapy. Hemp was already used in ancient times for many ailments, including migraine. Mentions of this are found in ancient texts that have survived to this day. But it was not until the 19th century that the use of cannabis became widespread, when doctors began prescribing it in the form of tinctures. Today, doctors are increasingly using medical cannabis in the treatment of migraines, as observations and studies show that in many people the symptoms have been significantly alleviated. However, medical marijuana is not readily available, unlike CBD, a very recent discovery. Cannabidiol too, thanks to its analgesic properties, is becoming increasingly popular and more widely used by migraine pain sufferers.

What the endocannabinoid system has in common with migraine

It is in a deficiency of endocannabinoids (those produced by the body) that many scientists see the genesis of migraines. The link between the endocannabinoid system and migraines is so serious that it has been given an official medical name - Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency.

The point is that the endocannabinoid system is a self-regulating 'machine' that takes care of the biological balance in the body. It thus has a huge impact on the functioning of other systems and organs. This system also regulates various bodily functions, such as the processing of pain signals, stress responses, body temperature, insulin metabolism and many others.

If the state of body and mind is constants, then endocannabinoid system does not produce too many endocannabinoids, as there is no need to do so. However, if the organism is in a state where its homeostasis (biological balance) is threatened, then this production increases accordingly. Unfortunately, the lifespan of these cells is quite short, which is why, for example, they become scarce under conditions of prolonged stress.

Research pioneer over cannabinoids, Ethan Russo (a renowned neurologist) hypothesised that a malfunctioning endocannabinoid system could be the cause of chronic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, neuropathy, type I diabetes, fibromyalgia and just migraine. In the course of his research, he came across information in the scientific literature stating that people suffering from chronic migraines have lower levels of anandamide, one of the endocannabinoids, and also less cerebrospinal fluid than people who do not suffer from migraine pain. Very interesting all this and, if the research confirms these novel theories, it will mean a breakthrough in the treatment of migraine, precisely with the help of cannabis.

CBD oils for migraines

In 2021, a review of the scientific literature on the effects of CBD on migraine pain was published and recognised that CBD-rich cannabis is a potential form of treatment for migraine headaches. Among other things, you will read there that when chronic symptoms of migraine headaches are present, continuous therapy with cannabidiol should be used, choosing appropriate doses. The dosage of CBD should be chosen individually, with studies showing that patients tolerated doses of up to 600 mg per day well. 

And this is the first reason why it is worth using CBD oilsOne is that CBD can be used for pain relief when suffering from migraines. The second is that CBD, in addition to its analgesic properties, significantly reduces the vomiting reflex and nausea. These are very often associated with migraines. In 2012, a study was published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, which reported that CBD is capable of relieving nausea and vomiting through indirect activation of somatodendritic 5-HT autoreceptors (1A) in the DRN (dorsal sutural nucleus).

How to use CBD oil for migraine?

There is no definitive answer to this question. This is because every organism is different and reacts differently to the cannabidiol used. Both the choice of concentration and dosage must therefore be chosen individually by testing different variants and observing the body. It is a good idea to start the treatment with a lower concentration of CBD oil and small doses, and then increase them. 

It is also very important to use CBD oils purchased from a proven manufacturer with proper testing of their products. 

Anyone taking pharmacological agents should consult with a healthcare practitioner before starting CBD oil therapy.


  1. "Reconsidering clinical endocannabinoid deficiency: current research supports the theory for migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel and other treatment-resistant syndromes" by Ethan B. Russo; 2016; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5576607/
  2. "Endocannabinoids in chronic migraine: cerebrospinal fluid results suggest system failure"; authors Paola Sarchielli, Luigi Alberto Pini, Francesca Coppola et al; 2006, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17119542/
  3. 'Cannabis and migraine: it's complicated'; Laszlo L. Mechtlera, Fran M. Gengo andVincent H. Bargnes; 2021; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11916-020-00931-2
  4. "Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic component of cannabis, alleviates vomiting and nausea-like behaviour via indirect agonism of somatodendritic 5-HT(1A) autoreceptors in the dorsal sutural nucleus", by EM Rock, D. Bolognini, CL Limebeer et al; 2012; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21827451/


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