CBD paste for what does it help?

CBD paste is a product that, not knowing why, is not as popular as CBD oil, Which, in a way, may be due to ignorance on the subject. What does CBD paste help with? How to use and what is CBD paste? In this post, we will dispel all doubts.

What is CBD paste?

Hempmont's 70% CBD paste is an all-legal and all-natural hemp product, characterised by its high CBD content, as well as other cannabinoids such as CBDA, CBDV, CBN, THC, THCA, CBC, CBG, CBGA, among others, and terpenes and flavonoids - it has the full spectrum of these. It is a unique product, being one of the few on the market with such a high concentration of CBD, while retaining the original qualities of hemp, as the paste is not  devoid of wax and chlorophyll, which significantly increases the spectrum of the extract's components. 

It is a hemp product with a thick consistency and dark colour, as well as a characteristic bitter taste.

Hempmont's CBD paste is free of contaminants, heavy metal or pesticide residues, as well as microbiological traces such as bacteria or fungi, so it is ideal for even the most sensitive clients and for difficult conditions.

CBD paste for what use?


Due to its high CBD content and concentrated effect, this product is only recommended for more serious, chronic ailments, most often supportively for, among other things:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • chronic insomnia
  • post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD
  • Parkinson's disease
  • depression
  • bipolar affective disorder ChAD
  • severe panic attacks or neurosis
  • severe chronic pain
  • chemotherapy
  • ulcerative colitis
  • treatment of cancer, particularly leukaemia
  • neuropathy
  • multiple sclerosis MS
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • lack of appetite

It is a kind of alternative to CBD oils when you need a high concentration in a highly concentrated dose. It is rather recommended for users who have had previous experience with CBD oils, especially in high concentrations.


How to use CBD paste?

CBD paste can be successfully used in the same way as traditional CBD hemp oil. Portioning is greatly facilitated by the convenient form of a syringe with a measuring cup, from which we can easily directly wring out the desired dose. If the dose to be used is unclear, we encourage you to use our dosage calculator, available on our website under the About products tab. Please remember to leave the dose under the tongue for approximately 1-2 minutes, in order to obtain the expected effect and to intensify the effect of the product.


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