Best ways to deal with stress

Best ways to deal with stress

Stress, otherwise mental tension, is a psychological state, a dynamic reaction in a situation of threat, difficulty or inability to act or achieve some goal. In medical nomenclature, it is called homeostatic disorderwhich is caused by a psychological or physical factor. 

Strategies for combating stress

In general, it is the case that everyone tries to cope with stress somehow. The reactions can be very different. Some show anger, others try to relieve it by doing physical exercise, others are helped by prayer, forgetting more or less deliberately or asking others for help and advice. 

Folkman, Lazarus, Dunkel-Schetter et al. (1986), using the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ) extracted, by means of factor analysis, eight general strategies for coping with stress:

  1. Confrontational coping,
  2. Distancing,
  3. Self-control,
  4. Seeking social support,
  5. Accepting responsibility,
  6. Escape - avoidance,
  7. Planned problem solving,
  8. Positive re-evaluation.

Not everyone has the ability to cope with prolonged stress and does not always find an outlet for negative emotions. For this reason, people are turning to all sorts of 'enhancers' to cope with stress. These range from legal ones, such as nicotine, alcohol and drugs, to illegal ones, such as cannabis, or marijuana. These substances affect the central nervous system in the head, stimulating and/or inhibiting its functions, resulting in a reduction or complete loss of control over one's own behaviour, disrupting (often completely) the ability to rationally grasp reality. Their use causes a strong intensification or reduction of psychophysical tension. In a word, stress 'disappears'. But, of course, only for a while. 

However, there are various methods of combating stress that have a positive effect on the body, and it is worth reaching for them. They not only relieve bad emotions, but also strengthen the body, making the next stressful situation more bearable. We are talking, for example, about physical activity, yoga, aromatherapy, herbs or CBD oil, which has recently become extremely popular. And this popularity is due to its natural origin, efficacy and very rare adverse reactions. 

What is cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabidiol is a substance extracted mainly from cannabis flowerswhich affects the endocannabinoid system, which is distributed throughout almost the entire human body. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for the proper functioning of the endocrine, immune and autoimmune systems. It also ensures proper sleep, appetite and well-being. Many factors can interfere with these normal processes, stress being one of them. The versatile properties of cannabidiol help to alleviate stress itself as well as its negative effects.  

Properties of CBD that have a positive impact on the effects of stress:

  • neuroactive and neuroprotective - has the ability to regenerate and prevent the degradation of nerve cells in the body, stimulates the nervous system, has a relaxing and antispastic effect,
  • antioxidant - which helps to reduce oxidative stress, slowing down and preventing cell and tissue ageing. This property supports the body's natural defence mechanisms and protects against free radicals,
  • antipsychotics - clears the mind, combats anxiety and even psychosis, calms and has a relaxing and calming effect, additionally facilitates falling asleep and ensures a good and sound sleep,
  • immunological - stimulates the maintenance of a state of homeostasis (balance) in the body,
  • analgesic - soothes, relieves and eliminates body pains, even of unknown origin. 

CBD oil in the fight against stress

Studies show that CBD, through the oil's interaction with the endocannabinoid system, reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. All thanks to the fact that cannabidiol, by penetrating the endocannabinoid system, brings into balance a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the brain. These properties give it the power to alleviate stress and its effects, such as anxiety, poor immunity, digestive problems, lack or excess of appetite or sleep problems. Taking CBD oil results in a feeling of calm and tranquillity, allowing one to achieve a state of relaxation, slowing down racing thoughts and fretting. Cannabidiol has the ability to support the stress response in the brain, lowering stress levels. 

One could say that CBD oil is like a soothing poultice to soothe jittery nerves. At the same time, it is non-toxic, has a mild effect, is not addictive (unlike many pharmaceuticals) and keeps the mind clear. 

However, in order for CBD oil to be safe and effective, it is important to know its origin and only buy those from proven manufacturers. This is because the quality of the product is crucial. Cannabidiol should undergo stringent quality testing. Dosage is also important and should be adjusted according to, among other things, weight, age, type of illness and general condition. It is a good idea to start with a lower concentration of CBD oil, 1-2 drops 3 times a day, and gradually increase the dose while carefully observing the body's reactions.


  2. Hanna Makowska, Ryszard Poprawa, Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, "TALKING WITH STRESS IN THE HEALTH BUILDING PROCESS".


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