Rose juice 100% 500 ml - natural source of vitamin C

49.90 PLN

Suggested method of administration: 2x a day 50 ml of juice (morning and evening).

Ingredients: 100% rosehip juice (Rosa rugosa).

Product for direct consumption or dilution.

Net volume: 500 ml, brown glass bottle (protects the juice from nutritional and vitamin losses)

Number of pieces in collective package (shrink pack): 6

For this product you will receive 2 Points!


Suggested method of administration: 2x a day 50 ml of juice (morning and evening).

Ingredients: 100% rosehip juice (Rosa rugosa).

Product for direct consumption or dilution.

Net volume: 500 ml, brown glass bottle (protects the juice from nutritional and vitamin losses)

Number of pieces in collective package (shrink pack): 6


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